Monday, July 6, 2009


Hi, My name is Candace. I started this blog to document a little of life with my precious daughter, Faith. She was born 5 years ago and suffers from a host of developemental disablities including Cerebral Palsy, Microcephaly, Epilepsy and a low grade brain tumor. I have been a stay at home mom since just before my daughter was born. I am hoping to connect with other families and parents going through similar circumstances. Life with a special needs child is well.... CHALLENGING!!! We are ruled by therapies, doctors, medications, specialists and surgeries. It can get very complicated and be isolating, at times. It is hard to relate and talk to your friends when no one know what craniosynostosis is!!! LOL! Sometimes, you want to just scream! Putting that all aside, I was born to be the mother of this child. She is the LIGHT of my life and my only reason for getting out of bed in the morning. She is a "walking" miracle!!! We celebrate every small milestone and give thanks to God for every day we have with her. I am SO BLESSED!!!