Saturday, December 12, 2009

Update to my previous post...Illegal parking

I got a response to my dirty email that I sent to the dealership whose cars were parked in the handicap spaces. The explanation I received was that the Explorer was his wife's and her mother has a weak heart and was visiting them but he had no explanation for the other vehicle from his dealership. He said he didn't know who drove it (the car with dealer tags and a whole host of advertisements for the dealership)! Now if there had been one dealer car parked there and I asked about it and he gave me the mother in law excuse I MAY have bought it. But TWO vehicles from the same dealership, parked across from each other, at the same time? UHHHHH......N-O! I didn't mention that the dealership is NEXT DOOR to the grocery store? Weird....HUH? I was crackin' up because he spelled handicap......handycap! This was the son of the owner of the dealership, too! "A PILLAR OF THE COMMUNITY"! LOL! In his defense, he promised to obtain a tag for his MIL and to "track" down who was driving the other car and be sure it didn't happen again! WELL, I SHOULD HOPE NOT!


Carla said...

So glad you contacted them but what an excuse! Gosh- he didn't know who drove the other car? Sounds like a marketing ploy gone very wrong. I'm sorry you had to park far away from the entrance, what a pain.

Katy said...

If you see it again you should send the pictures in to the local newspaper.

Anonymous said...

I think you handled it perfectly, Candace.


Jennifer Ortiz said...

Good for you!!! I am laughing that he spelled the word wrong.