Sunday, March 14, 2010

Retail Therapy....

Saturday, we took a trip to the grocery store after Faith had cookie sales and we got rained out.
I used to love going to the grocery but as Faith has gotten older and more mobile, it has become increasingly harder for me. She wants to roll around and get into things while I try to get the shopping done. It has gotten to the point where I have to bring someone else with me, usually, to keep her occupied..
But yesterday, we were in no big rush and the weather was yucky so we just wandered for about an hour and a half. Soon I noticed Faith exploring cantaloupes and I thought....Hey this is great FREE therapy...
So we let her roll around and touch things and feel things and pick up things. She had so much fun and so did we!
She really liked the milk and o.j. aisle because she had handles to grab...

The pet food aisle was also a big hit since there were cat and dog pictures on everything and animals are a big topic for Faith...

Her favorite aisle was the frozen foods because she has an unnatural obsession with doors. These doors were particularly hard for her since the handles were high up and they have that suction on them so she at first needed some help grabbing the handle. But then she finally got it on her own...She was so proud of herself!

She decided she liked this brand of chips...

I thought this was a great shot, she loved the ducky signs hanging in the baby department...
Then she found the floral department with all it's flowers and balloons...She went right to the Dora balloon but we settled for a free latex one from the floral dept. lady.

Proof that Faith has a temper....She got mad at me because I didn't tie the balloon on the right place...
She also enjoyed smelling all the flowers....The hyacinth was a favorite
(I guess because it had such a strong scent.)

So, next time you head out to the store maybe you can think of it as some free therapy for your kiddo...
It was so much fun!


The Henrys said...

It looks like she had a wonderful time! I'm glad that you got the chance to slow down and explore the store.

I love that she got mad about you tying the balloon in the wrong spot!

Jen said...

I tend to do the groceries on my own as I find it difficult and stressful having the younger children with me unless I have help. (Never thought I would see the day when doing the groceries would be 'me time' lol). Its a great idea to consider it a form of therapy, I like that, though I still really could only manage this with one child at a time!Lol at you tying the balloon in the wrong place:) Jen.

Junior said...

Looks like the perfect therapy session.

Mo said...

I have actually done this before and grocery shopping is one of our favorite things to do together. Sometimes I make it a point to only have a handful of items on my list so Oia can practice walking and push her own kiddo cart. Just the vocabulary you share with your kid while at the store is valuable enough, let alone the physical value it has has well!! Well done Faith and Candace!!

By the way, at the top of Oia's favorites are doors and handles too...our girls would get along GREAT!!

Katy said...

Sounds like a wonderful day.

Now that Charlie can sit at the table like a regular kid I am SHOCKED by how much trouble he can get into. Don't know how moms of typical kids ever get to eat.

Jennifer Ortiz said...

I always tell Emily to find the positive in any situation, which sounds like what you did! Love it

Anonymous said...

I'm wowed by her trunk rotation in the photo by the milk. She shows great trunk control if you look at the whole set of photos.

A while back I linked to a blogger who did posts called "life is therapy". This could be one of those posts! Barbara

April said...

What a fun sensory adventure!!

Jen said...

Hi, just to let you know that iPhone app you were interested in has been officially released today:) Was trying to reply to you via email from your comment, but it was a no-reply address so didn't chance it:) Jen.

Keri said...

How fun! Awesome to see her getting her hands on everything. Reminds me a lot of Logan at the grocery store. He wants to touch everything. Before I know it, I'm being up jars of peanut butter off the floor. He's quicker than I am! Thanks for sharing the experience. She's a doll!