Sunday, February 14, 2010


This is what I saw when I came home on Friday....

Remember what I said about snow in South Carolina a few weeks ago? Hah, very funny, Mother Nature. I do not appreciate your wishy washy ways....50 degrees one day but snow the next?
Not to mention that thanks to you, my poor husband had to drive home in your foul weather and put his truck in a huge ditch. He had to crawl out the window to get out and stand out in all your white wickedness waiting for someone to rescue him!
Don't worry too much, folks...
He's OK and we got the truck out this afternoon. It still drives but the alignment is wrecked and we are hoping the axle is not bent.

Needless to say, Gandy thought it was all fun and games...

I did not get out in this mess, once I got home Friday. Did I mention that I hate snow? Carl had cabin fever after about 6 hours in the house but where could he go? His truck was on a 45 degree angle!
I did get some beautiful shots of the trees, as the sun was coming over the house. I thought this one looked like a stained glass window...

OK, so maybe I jinxed us by hanging this flag a few weeks ago. Note to self....Throw this flag in the trash!
When I did venture outside just to have a look see, I saw the neighbor's horses eating the snow off the branches of the bushes...

Thankfully dear ole' Mother Nature did not punish us too long, by evening Saturday most of the snow was gone but there was still ice on some of the roads this afternoon. Goodbye snow, hope to see you........NEVER!


The Henrys said...

Candace, I am really glad that your husband was fine and that he made it home safely. Hopefully the truck won't cost too much when you get it fixed.

I have to be honest and tell you that I really love snow! It is so pretty and so much fun to play in with the kids. Caleb and I get very excited when we get winter storm warnings.

It isn't fun to drive in though, I agree with you there!

my life: said...

Too funny! except for your husbands truck in the ditch! :(

It is pretty though...and I must say, it makes MY heart happy to see snow in such a place. :0)

*your house is SO cute!*

Jen said...

So glad your husband is ok, that must have been very scary. Photos are lovely though:)

Anonymous said...

Thank goodness he wasn't hurt! Ah, bet our friends up north have no sympathy for you. Send me the flag - I won't believe it will bring us snow! Pretty to look at - esp in your photos. Stay warm! Barbara

Jennifer Ortiz said...

We got NINE inches? Can you believe that? NINE, I have never seen that much snow in person, ever!