Monday, June 14, 2010

The girl likes PICKLES!

It all started with lunch, last week with Faith's PT. We had sandwiches that came with a pickle spear. I didn't have anything for Faith to eat so I offered her the spear, just to see what she would do. SHE LOVED IT! She ate both mine and her PT's! So this weekend I went out and got her own jar of whole baby pickles, thinking she could hold them easier. She has eaten pickles every night since! It cracks me up because I HATE pickles...hate them...hate the smell...everything about them! BUT she loves them! Tonight she had three, biting them all the way to the end. She isn't swallowing the pickle itself, she spits it out but she is swallowing juice. I have seen her swallowing. It is such a big step in the right direction...chewing and biting....things I never thought I would see her do. It seems like she responds better to things with very strong flavors...spicy foods, pickles, peppery foods, sour candies. Stuff I could never eat until I was an adult. Some of her therapists and specialists who have treated her said that kids like Faith often do better with strong tasting foods...something about it triggering a bigger reaction or something. Who knows...who cares? I think Vlasik needs to star Faith in their next commercial...with a crunch like that she could sell some pickles, I bet!


Katy said...

I hate pickles too, but I'm pretty sure that Charlie will love them. I guess I should give them a try:(

Beverly said...

too cute. I love pickles

The Henrys said...

That's great! She should be in the next commercial!

April said...

Oh she's a girl after my own heart! I can't have a sandwich without a pickle! CUTE video!

Jen said...

Not a pickle person at all, but veg is veg so good for her :D Jen.

Territory Mom said...

So sweet, we love pickles too!!

Mo said...

That's awesome!! I think it's the craziest thing when kids like pickles...they are such a wierd flavor but most kids LOVE them and it makes me smile to see that Faith is no exception!