Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Hi, I am Faith....

Faith has this love affair with those little clips that nurses put their badges on. You know, the ones with zip cords that can be pulled out.
She loves to beg these off of our nurses...wherever we go. They always give it and let her play with them.

So when we went for her one month follow up, at Shriner's last week, one of her nurses had bought her this fancy one with her initial on it!
It was so cute and diva~ish
So I got to thinking that I needed to do something creative and meaningful with it.

It also got me thinking about how people see Faith and sometimes ask me about her, like she isn't there or she doesn't understand them. They often talk "over" her. I have developed a way to combat that by saying things like.."Faith tell them how old you are.." or "Tell them hello" so they have to refocus their attention and then realize that she is able to understand them, most of the time. So I decided to put my mind making Faith her own id badge. This is what I came up with....
I found these self sealing laminating tags from my favorite place on earth, BIG LOTS for a dollar. (Two to a pack)
Then I cut two pieces of scrapbook paper and a picture of her and pasted them together....
Then I used leftover scrapbooking sticker to write on the front of the card...

I hung the tag on her wheelchair right where people can see it. She actually met a young man at a local church on Sunday, thru her badge. He came up and wanted to know about her name and how she got it. He was very kind and very friendly!
Now my next goal is to teach her how to pull on it and hand it to people when she meets them!

I also use these pouches to list emergency info for her on her car seat, wheelchair and bags. I usually list phone numbers, identifying info about her, info about her conditions and medication lists.


Jen said...

The nurse was so kind to do that, and its a lovely gift too:) Great thinking with the tags etc, I may do something similiar myself. Jen.

Karen said...

Great idea! I love it!


Janet said...

What a sweet nurse and a wonderful way to use the clip. You just never know who you might meet.

Mo said...

Clever! And kudos to that weet nurse, too.

Junior said...

Love this idea, that badge turned out very cute.
Would you be willing to share this on the adaptions blog? Love the idea of using the tags for medical info as well.

The Henrys said...

Good thinking! What a wonderful idea!

Lisa said...

What an awesome idea!

Unknown said...

Fabulous idea.
We, too, have thought about putting a sign on Eli's stroller introducing him to the world, but just never could figure out how.

Love this!

Carla said...

I am soooo doing this!

Jennifer Ortiz said...

Love the badge!!! You are creative :)

Beverly said...

such a great idea.