Thursday, January 7, 2010

Faith talks....

You will need to pause the music at the bottom of the blog...

This is video evidence of a miracle...our daughter talking! Carl has been working with her to be able to say her new age! AMAZING! Isn't she a doll baby? Hey, she's got rhythm, too...always has! What an amazing little girl she is....


The Henrys said...

What a miracle and a blessing! I love her voice.

I can here from another blog but when I watched your video, I had to say hello.

My six year old daughter has cp and a chromosome disorder.

Take care, Debbi

my life: said...

LOVE it!!! She is so beautiful and that SO clear! Lovin it mama...thanks for sharing her. :0)

Unknown said...

adorable!!!! Good job Faith!

Katy said...

LOVE IT!!!!! Seriously, her gains give me hope. Really, they do.

April said...

Oh those videos were amazing!!! Thanks for sharing your miracle!

Beverly said...

thanks for sharing. what a blessings

Keri said...

Faith brought me to tears. What an amazing child of hope and inspiration. Her voice is music to my ears!