1. Call oncologist office to ask for copies of Faith's medical records to take to Chucktown..
2. Go to Greenville to pick up said medical records as well as records from neurologist's office...
3. Have hissy"FIT" in oncologist office after they refuse to give me all of her records, specifically ones pertaining to correspondences with Duke. They sited HIPAA laws prohibiting them from giving us any records in Faith's files that originated at another office/clinic. Then have UBER HISSY FIT after they charged me $30 for 22 black and white copies of "some" of her records! I "could" have avoided this "fee" if I had requested them to fax the records EXCEPT every time I have asked this office to do so in the past they NEVER get it done and we are operating on a very short time frame here....
4. Get to neurologist's office and receive over 100 pages of records (including records and correspondences from oncology office/Duke/peds surgery and neurosurgery!) for FREE! Mind you, these offices are in the same hospital system!
5. Go thru drive thru for a quick burger and head home....only to find out they put mustard on my burger! I HATE mustard!
Those darn burger-flippers! They can ruin a perfectly normal day everytime! ;) I hate HIPPA, too. Legislation that benefits few (to none). Barbara
I feel that way about mayonaise.
Isn't it ironic that Hippa, which is designed to protect the patient, actually works against them? I think it's crazy that you have PAY for your records at all--I think the first copy should be free adn additional copies should cost money. Basically, you have to pay to find out you're own business, which is crap. END RANT!
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