Monday, April 19, 2010

Off we go....

I am almost done packing...
I got our dog sitter all lined up....
I cleaned the house so that if something awful happens, people won't come in and drop dead from the mess...
I finished the last of our responsibilities with therapy and we are finally home for the evening...
Now we can leave tomorrow morning for Charleston, semi carefree!
I hope.
We are going down for Faith's follow up with the Epilepsy Center. I have my list of questions and requests for the doctor. Our appointment isn't until Wednesday, so we should have most of Tuesday to have a little playtime then part of Wednesday and all of Thursday. We are snagging a few extra days since we are down there.
This coming weekend Carl and I will be celebrating an anniversary of sorts...
Sixteen years since we met each other. Half our lives! I will post a blog about it later when we get home from the trip.
Happy Anniversary, Babe, I sure do love you!
Keep our family in your prayers, as we travel and a few prayers for a good appointment would be helpful too!


The Henrys said...

Good luck and have a wonderful time on your few days away!! Let us know what happened when you get back.

Congrats on the anniversary too!

Jen said...

Looking forward to hearing about it, good luck :) Jen.

Cary said...

Safe travels! I hope you have a wonderful trip. Looking forward to the details when you get back.

Junior said...

Have a safe trip, we will be praying for you guys.

Mo said...

In my thoughts...

Territory Mom said...

Oh have a great trip and yes I will be praying for a safe trip and a great appt. XOXO

Jennifer Ortiz said...

HUGS have fun!!!!! Happy Anniversiary!