We have an ADDICT here, folks....
Faith is having so much fun riding, she is a natural! Two weeks ago they moved her up to a faster horse, Rose. She did great but her heart stayed with Hannah and we were lucky enough to get to go back to her, last week, due to an accidental switch.
The faster they go, the happier she is. She is fearless and over the last two weeks....
Prepare yourselves, people....
She has been going out on trail rides....
They have been taking her out into the trails and I have been staying behind, letting her be...
She has also been participating in transfers on horseback. Meaning, she has been doing things like lifting her legs and turning, on command, to transfer to going backwards. It is the first time she has ever participated in any transfers....

I totally get this feeling you have when watching Faith ride. Spiritual, magical, pure joy...but even these words don't do my proud mommy heart justice. Yay for a happy, strong, free, big girl Faith on a HORSE!!!
i just love this. cant wait to get Noah into a class.
Soon as my fella is old enough we will try, you and Faith have really sold me on this, thank you:) Jen.
She looks soooo happy in all of the pictures. What a wonderful experience for both of you! Oh I can only imagine how you must have felt. Bliss!
She is amazing and you momma, deserve a few minutes to yourself.
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